Tuesday, December 30, 2008


2009 Pictures, Images and Photos
The end of the year is here,but the beginning of another is upon us. Time to reflect all the good times we had in 2008. All the new friends we made and all the friends we celebrated with. May your 2009 be divine with lots of health,wealth$$$$$ and HAPPINESS!!!!

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Marley and Me

On Christmas Day 2008 our family wanted to go and see the movie Marley and Me before going to my grandma's house for dinner. It was raining and thought that was the fun thing to do. The movie is so incredibly wonderful and sad at the same time. I have no pictures of Christmas Day due to the fact that all the ladies faces were red and our eyes were black from our mascara that smeared. This is a bitter sweet movie that is a must see but be sure you bring your kleenex along with you. It touches everyone!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Justin posing for the Holidays
Justin at Bass Pro Shop

Justin as Santa Claus

This was very funny for me to see. I come in the room and all my cotton balls and tape are everywhere. I ask him what are you doing? He says I am making something,so I love for him to be creative and it entails no markers or anything damaging so I leave. Then I get the surprise HO HO HO!

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dr. Linden Stevens and Team
Taking an Oatmeal Cookie Shot

Sonia and Mindy

I got Coal!
We had our office Christmas party on Thursday and we delivered gifts to all our referring DR's offices and then went for some bowling. To help make matters worse we took shots before bowling to improve the game. Everyone was bowling crazy either it was the alcohol or we suck. Then we went to The Yard House and ate outside by the giant Christmas Tree. Dr. Stevens gave us all gift cards to shop with at Victoria Gardens so we all went shopping for some fun!~ Thanks again Dr. Stevens for a fun Christmas Party

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Harley and Havasu

Harley wishing you a Merry Christmas

Harley trying to fit into the cat bed

Justin practicing his reading to Havasu

I think Havasu fell asleep!

These were some fun times over Christmas break. Justin did read to our cat when I was busy wrapping gifts. He even told me Havasu fell asleep. Harley tries to think she is a little lap dog when in fact she weighs 80 lbs. Oh well what ever a woman wants to think who am I to argue.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snow Day

Snow Angel
Snowball fight!

Santa Claus

Justin at Snow day
Every year our local high school has a snow day, where they bring in 30 tons of snow. It is great for families to come together with all their friends from the community and play in the snow. I like because it is not cold ! They even had Santa Claus on hand to remind us all to be GOOD!

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Card 2008

Oh Christmas Tree...Oh Christmas Tree...

Here is our wonderful Christmas card that we are sending out this year. It was designed by Jennisa, the lady who designed our blog. She is so talented. I love digital scrapbooking, but if I did it we would send it out late or my hair would be gray from trying to figure out Adobe photoshop. Anyways Have a wonderful Holiday Season and take time to enjoys the holdidays for they go by so quick and before we know it New Years will be here.

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Thanksgiving 2008

Marcy, Lindsey,and Me

Lindsey posing while I shoot

Marcy,Roger and Savannah

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Thanksgiving 2008

Justin at Grandma and Grandpa's House

Justin ad Garrett up by the wagon at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Cousin Lindsay

Marcy(my sister) and I
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Daryl's 40th Birthday Bash

These are photos from our casino night. The fires that weekend were awful and alot of our friends and family were unable to attend. We missed you all. Daryl had a great time I of course was stressed since I am the party planner. But everything was great it was a FULL HOUSE!!!!

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Justin and I in Cabo San Lucas

Justin on the Beach in Mazatlan

Justin Performed with Knight Magic
Here are a few of my favorites... Justin got to go on the stage and perform a card trick which made the audience talk about it for days... did I mention he went on stage with only one shoe? Check out http://www.knightmagic.com/ they perform on cruise ships and are in Las Vegas! Misty is the former Miss Las Vegas and took second place in Miss USA. We all loved playing on the beaches in Mexico. Wish we had more time there but our memories will last a lifetime. Thanks again to my husband Daryl for a wonderful adventure planned by him. Thanks honey!

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