Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's A BOY!!!

It's is official I went to the perinatologist and they said it's a boy!!! It is very healthy no down syndrome or trisomy. I was so hoping for a little girl since we already have a boy but no luck. My husband says I am still the Queen in our family. They also do not like the name Brayden so Justin wants to name him Jason I like Jace so maybe a compromise like Jaycen or Jaceyn a different spelling of the name Jason. What do you all think? Any other J names for a boy that you can think of?

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Nan said...

Congrats!! So glad all is going well :) I like the name Jason! xoxo Nan

Clare Therese said...

Yay! Congratulations! If we have a boy we're gonna name him Jacob....Jake for short. You're welcome to it! =D

Or, could also go with Johnny or Jack if you like to shorten names. However, even though you'd like to have something different in terms of how his name will be spelled, I wouldn't recommend anything too out of the oridnary since he would have to correct people on how it's supposed to be for the rest of his life. Like, I know a "Jason" but he spells it "Jaysonne"...Now everyone just calls him JC, why, JC, I have no idea.

Congratultions again! =D