Friday, March 19, 2010


Just when you think you have a day off coming up and you can't do anymore, you receive a text you have an audtion in LA at 3:15. Great well I guess it is great considering we could not get called at all. This whole audition thing has been super busy and hectic since we live so far away. When I drove down there today for our Target audition as soon as I got off the freeway I saw this beautiful sign! The whole audition process is something I have not done in a while. There were so many beautiful girls and boys some crying, some not wanting to sit still they were being kids and you could see the frustration on the mom's faces that their child will not make the cut. The only thing I would be dissappointed with is that we drove all the way there and back for nothing but oh well that is how it goes. You can win them all . Brandon is now 4 months old and we went to the drs this week and he is weighing in at 16.9 lbs. Good gosh boy what are you going to be like when you are 3?

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